Why use Telegram Bots with Buttons?

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Creating a Telegram Bot with Buttons: A Step-by-Step Guide

Telegram bots have revolutionized the way we interact with each other and automate tasks, and with the introduction of buttons, they have become even more powerful and engaging. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a Telegram bot with buttons, exploring the advantages of using this feature and providing a step-by-step tutorial on how to set it up.

What are Telegram Buttons?

Telegram buttons are a new feature that allows users to add interactive elements to their bots, enabling them to provide more dynamic and engaging user experiences. With buttons, users can interact with a bot by clicking on predefined options, which can be used to track objectives, provide immediate responses, or perform specific actions. Buttons can be categorized into two main types:

  1. Web Buttons: These buttons are visible in the chat window and are accessible to the user. They can be customized with different colors, texts, and URLs.
  2. Inline Buttons: These buttons are displayed inline, meaning they are integrated into the chat conversation. They can be used to perform actions, such as deleting messages or sending files, without requiring the user to leave the chat.

Why Use Telegram Bots with Buttons?

There are numerous reasons why using Telegram bots with buttons is an ideal choice:

Enhanced User Experience: Buttons provide a more engaging and interactive experience for users, making it easier for them to interact with your bot.
Increased Productivity: Buttons enable users to perform multiple actions with a single click, reducing the need for lengthy conversations or manual input.
Flexibility: Buttons can be customized to fit your specific use case, allowing you to tailor your bot’s functionality to your needs.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Telegram Bot with Buttons

To create a Telegram bot with buttons, you will need a few basic tools and knowledge of programming. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Set up a Telegram Bot

To create a Telegram bot, you will need to communicate with the Telegram Bot Father. Open a private chat with the BotFather bot by searching for “BotFather” in the app’s search bar. Initiating a conversation with BotFather will allow you to create a new bot.

BotFather's starting point! This newbie bot lacks information
press I to see the available commands to get started.
type /help to explore
Step 2: Get Your Bot’s API Token

Once you’ve created a new bot, BotFather will provide you with an API token. This token is a unique identifier used to authenticate your bot. Save the API token; you will need it to access the Telegram Bot API. This con tent was gen​erat​ed ᠎wi᠎th GSA Content Ge​nerator  DEMO .

Step 3: Choose a Programming Language and Set up a Framework

Next, you’ll need to choose a programming language and set up a framework for your bot. Some popular options include:

Node.js with the `node-telegram-bot-api` library
Python with the `python-telegram-bot` library
JavaScript with the `telegraf` library

For this example, we will use Node.js with the `node-telegram-bot-api` library.

Step 4: Set up a Framework for Your Bot

Once you’ve chosen your language, set up your framework by installing the required dependencies. For Node.js, you can install the `node-telegram-bot-api` library by running:
npm install
Step 5: Create a Bot and Handle Inbound Messages

Create a new file for your bot and import the `node-telegram-bot-api` library. This will provide you with a `Telegraf` class, which is used to create and handle incoming messages.

Step 6: Define Your Bot’s Callbacks

Callback functions are used to handle specific actions or messages from users. You can define as many callback functions as needed, each handling a specific action or message.

Step 7: Send Buttons to the User

To send buttons to the user, you’ll need to use a special syntax within a JSON object. The following is an example of how you can create a button:


"callback_data": "option1",
"text": "Option 1"

"callback_data": "option2",
"text": "Option 2"

Step 8: Use a Button with a Callback Function

Use the `telegraf` class to send the button to the user. In this case, we’ll use the `sendMessage` method to send a message with a button:

bot.sendMessage(message.chat.id, 'Choose an option:', JSON.stringify([

"callback_data": "option1",
"text": "Option 1"

"callback_data": "option2",
"text": "Option 2"

In this example, we’re
sending a message with a title and a pre-defined JSON object containing the button options.

Step 9: Handle Button Clicks

To handle button clicks, you’ll need to set up a callback function for each button. When a user clicks a button, Telegram will send a `callback_query` message to your bot. Use the `telegraf` class to handle this message and update the user’s chat state accordingly.


Creating a Telegram bot with buttons is a relatively straightforward process, requiring a basic understanding of programming and the Telegram Bot API. By following the step-by-step guide outlined above, you can create a bot that provides an enhanced user experience and increased productivity. Remember to customize your buttons to fit your specific use case and explore the numerous possibilities offered by the Telegram Bot API.


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